By Jessica-Ken: I was only in Jss2 when my parents died. Used to living in a place of comfort, I tried so hard to get back everything I once had, but it wasn’t so easy. “Would you like to work…


By Jessica-Ken: •R~w •Unedited I’m placing the ideas like it is in my head. So, please bear 😊 …………. I ran breathlessly on the lonely road. Someone was chasing me. I hadn’t any idea who it was… or what. All…

The Reading Book

By Paul Anozie: One day, an old shriveled book in a dank corner of a public library decided it did not want to be a book no more; it did not want to be read without end by humans, but…


By Paul Anozie: COKE Swollen and taut as a Yoruba tom-tom, Ngozi was all belly and bones as she lay helplessly on a tiny part of a bed in the children’s ward at Christ the Saviour Hospital. Her pulse had…


By Mercy Friday: My Superman. So beautiful and perfect. His eyes always bright and filled with light, his smile made my heart flutter because when he smiles it’ll make you feel like the world isn’t perfect without him. His aura…


By Jessica-Ken: “Commander, come in. There’s been a situation on El street. Do you copy?” “Kids? Kids, where are you?” Xander and Octavia were twins, adventurous and adorable kids. Xander was a minute older than his twin; he claimed to…


By Jessica-Ken: Linda had a ragdoll that could sing and talk like every other kid. She could giggle and cackle, and this made Linda always scared. “Mommy, I want a new doll. I don’t like this one,” Linda talked to…


By Jessica-Ken: “I’m not going, Mommy. I’m not going!” Little Annabel yelled. Her Mom wanted her to go to school, but she refused, stating she wanted to stay home. “Why don’t you want to go to school, baby?” “Mrs Hawkins…


By Jessica-Ken: Tyler had a toy car that he cherished so dearly. He loved it so much that he wouldn’t let anyone have it. Not even his brother. “Tyler, let your brother play,” Mom said from the dining room. She…


By Jessica-Ken: The Princess left the palace and went to her friend’s place. Frightened by what she saw, she told her everything; how her mother had appeared to the King… “You don’t say?” “Ugomma, do you think I am joking?…