It's Joever Meme: Meaning, Usage and Origin

It’s Joever Meme: Meaning, Usage and Origin

Since the meme trend began, various texts, videos, and images have been made into memes, creating a lot of fun on the internet space. “It’s Joever” is one such meme  The “It’s Joever” phrase is derived from the combination of…


At the age of Seventeen, on July 19th, 2016, Tracy was diagnosed with Hypertension [ High Blood Pressure]. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition in which the pressure of the blood against artery walls is higher than normal.…

A Stranger in My Body

There is a stranger in my body. The stranger’s beats keep me alive, alive to witness beautiful sunsets and sunrises. The stranger was given to me on an operating table, put inside me to bring forth life, with its steady…