
By Ruth: Akili “Akosua! Akosua! Where’s your brother?” “I don’t know, mama. He should be at the stream” “Why did you leave him there?” “No, mama. He left me there. He went into the bush with his friends” “Not Afua,…

The Words I Wished I Said.

By Ruth:     Have you enter been in love? Have you ever felt the euphonious feeling of being in love? Have you ever been so helpless because you can’t save your love? “Love is blind”  an adage once said…


By Ruth: I am beginning to feel there’s no God. If there is, does he love me, care for me and have something great for me in store while I faced the kind of unpleasant childhood I had? The maltreatment…

Mama Sikira

By Ruth: Light Of The World . Whatever said by man. Your ways so different from ours. That we have to ponder and wonder. Your great dazzling features Our corporeal eyes can’t behold. You are the word in the world.…

The African Girl Child

By Ruth: The African Girl Child. “ mummy, please what those pussy mean?” I rememberd asking my mum while I was eight years old. “ It’s a cat” my mum replied reluctantly. “ No, mummy it’s not. My friend at…

Deep Scars

By Ruth: Deep Scar “ You bastered, you evil spoilt child, what were you doing with your dad?!” An angry Mrs. Daura Smith yelled at her fifteen year old child. “ He forced me” the young girl prattled. “ Shut…


By Ruth: “Zainab! Zainab!!” Maman Zainab, a young woman in her mid-twenties, tightly dressed and covered, walked swiftly toward a thatched room. She looks worried yet angry. “Zainab, Zainab,” she whispered while searching round the abandoned and unkept thatched room.…


By Ruth: Being An Eminent.   We all  have our different dreams. The insatiable desires to be known, loved and wanted. The sweetness that comes with power and wealth is really over whelming, it’s like being drunk in the sweetness…

Mummy and Daddy

By Victoria B. Willie: “Let’s play ‘Mummy and Daddy’”, he heard his 8-year old son, Armani, say to the other kids around and immediately, the alarm in his head beeped. “Nobody plays ‘Mummy and Daddy’ in this house”, he ordered,…

Infinite Love (Novel)

By Adeabdul: A Chance Meeting The young man seated behind the okada rider was using his hand to shield the man’s face from the rain. It was a light drizzle but riding on a motorbike made the water droplets feel…