By Marymartin Okoabu: Friendship is like flowers, It adds beauty to life, But if not cared for, Can wilt and die. Friends are like diamonds, Very precious, But if not valued, can be stolen from you. Moments with friends are…

366 DAYS

By Marymartin Okoabu: It started with a pandemic, That shook the world terribly, Many were made anaemic, And many died tragically. A lockdown was announced, That sent many scurrying indoors, But still they pronounced, More cases with lesser cures. Starved…

Is it in this age

By Mairo1: Is it in this age, That civilians roast in nuclear porridge; That a brother’s bowels are baptized in Novichok gas? Is it in this age, mother, That citizens perish from reckless bursts of gunfire? Is it in this…

Metal Panthers

By Mairo1: The metal panther lunges without caution Latching onto the unlucky pedestrian Catching him with the right fender Throwing him high up in the air. The man spins twice before hitting the ground hard With a sickening thud. Lethargically,…

Beautiful Zimbabwei

By Mairo1: Beauty is my song My song is beauty Beautiful people, beautiful places, beautiful Zimbabwe! Beauty is the mountain paradise of the Eastern Highlands A mosaic undulating panorama The epitome of diverse visual riches A sensual metaphor of valleys,…

Which Way My Africa?

By Mairo1: Which way my people? Which way my Africa? What song shall I sing What dance shall I dance When I hear the thunder of the African drum? But the celebration drums have grown silent The voices of the…

Welcome to South Africa

By Mairo1: The sun Smiles upon the brow of the beautiful Cape. God loves them all, in the multi-colored tango of their shades of skin Where accents exotic mingle and tingle the clicks of indigenous South African! Welcome to the…

You Never Saw It Coming

By Adeabdul: You saw it in her smile and you weren’t careful. It was also there when he danced and you felt the magic in his moves. You could never let her dance alone since. It washed over you when…

Born of a Woman

By Mairo1: I was born of a woman Bred and suckled by a woman This is my song for women A song of deliverance Women of every race, Women of every kind This is your time to shine Shine for…