By JessyKen: FOREVER WITH YOU With lips wine red; And face white-skinned, and bosom perfectly fitted, Alongside curvy graced hips And a lavender scent to match: Her beauty doth glows Like that of a new born Brought into the world,…


By JessyKen: The labour of our heroes past Shall it be in vain? Our father land, our home Shall it still be? This chaos, this war To what end? This spirit of death ruling the day Birthing agony and fear…


By JessyKen: Her cries echoed aloud in the still of the night A cry of pain A cry that will never cease to flow For as long as her heart is wounded, And bitterness still lingers inside, It will always…


By JessyKen: Heavy I walk Legs quivering with despair Holding me back so I may not reach that place I desire: A place I seek And have tried so much to reach, but to no avail This burden I bear…


By JessyKen: My heart is heavy with despair My head spinning like a roaring wave Seeking to swallow all thoughts Heaviness and hurt piling up inside, Eager to put an end to my kind! The air I breathe trapping me…


By JessyKen: When I’m down, I think about you, The things we used to do And the moments we used to share I remember the time we’d play out on the sand, The coolness of the breeze blowing us And…


By JessyKen: Wicked Reaps Pain, Anger, Rage. All I feel. Pain begotten from words ought not to be uttered; Anger sown by the oppressors that think themselves better; And actions reaped in the later age after all is forgotten! O’…

Mama Africa

By Ruth: Mama Africa Africa oh! Africa my home. Home of my acestral being. Shimmering beauty of dark melanin. Mama Africa here you reside. In rare ancestral beauty. Mama Africa oh! mama. Endowed with great strength. You effortlessly tilled the…

Chronicles Of A Soldier

By Ruth: Dedicated To All The Soldiers. Title– Chronicle Of A Soldier. We were sent to war Thousands and thousands of us. To fight for the peace of our nation. A nation filled with tribalism. To restore peace and lost…

If It Weren’t For You.

By Ruth: If It Weren’t For You. If it weren’t for you I’d think the world’ s same. Blinded by my ignorance Wallowed in my worst pass. Buried in the injuries of yesterday. We met I hated you but you…