

The Crippling

By Adeabdul: Dancing on the edge of darkness was sweet temptation. Till a rouge footing crossed the forbidden line. Minions of insecurities donned from their abyss. With icy grips of coldness that extinguished the sun. Towering clouds unending across the…

To You I Will Always Find My Way

By Adeabdul: I may always stray but I’m never late To you I will always find my way Feels like emerging from an empty void Feels like speaking with a new voice Like the last step of that hard mile…


By Adeabdul: Across from him, laughing while sitting on the grass Michael saw it, the greatest sight of his life. Her teeth bright and beautiful as she laughed, her face even more radiant than the afternoon sun behind her, and…

Infinite Love 4

By Adeabdul: The Once Proud Yellow Lion Brave Worth High School used to be glorious. It had brilliant students and outstanding an outstanding academic performance, it had well-designed classrooms and fully equipped laboratories. There were a football team, a basketball…


By Adeabdul: Choking on air Crushed by the space Suffocated by silence Your voice carries no essence The walls swallows you whole That hole inside you grows You reach out for connection The vacuum only extends You try to scream…

Infinite Love 3

By Adeabdul: Dinner with the Queen “Oh my God, Mike! I still can’t believe it! And I was just thinking of you right before I actually saw you. That is so crazy…” Angela was saying, but Mike only managed to…

Infinite Love 2 (Novel)

By Adeabdul: Ghosts “A…Angela” he stuttered “Is that really you?” “YES, it’s me!” she said getting out of the car and reaching out to hug Michael. She released him just as suddenly as she hugged him. “Mike, Michael Osu? Oh…

All That Glitters Ain’t Gold

By Adeabdul: There’s a young boy who is mighty fine He stars would be shining bright but for the weed and wine Now he’s dead and gone and the people say. He would’ve eighteen today had he lived far away.…

Adam’s Roar (Children’s Story)

By Adeabdul: Adam and the Roar In a far away jungle was little lion cub named Adam. He was a prince. His daddy was the king. King of the jungle all the other animals listened to him and obeyed him.…

Infinite Love 2 (Novel)

By Adeabdul: GHOSTS “A…Angela” he stuttered “Is that really you?” “YES, it’s me!” she said getting out of the car and reaching out to hug Michael. She released him just as suddenly as she hugged him. “Mike, Michael Osu? Oh…