Mama Africa

By Ruth:

Mama Africa

Africa oh! Africa my home.
Home of my acestral being.
Shimmering beauty of dark melanin.
Mama Africa here you reside.
In rare ancestral beauty.

Mama Africa oh! mama.
Endowed with great strength.
You effortlessly tilled the ground.
Until your sweat proofs.
You knew no rest.

Relentlessly you worked.
You’ve fought with illness.
So much have your system adapt.
The scorching rays of the sun.
The chilly icy weather.
The rainny day only made you strong.

Mama Africa oh! mama
Through those glint of dark melanin
A rare beauty I see.
The gleam of your skin at sunset.
And it’s glow at sun rise.
You’re indeed a special rare gem
Only few could see.


Hi! There, I'm Lawrence Ruth creating a better world with my with my write ups.

Articles: 12

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