By JessyKen:

My heart is heavy with despair

My head spinning like a roaring wave

Seeking to swallow all thoughts

Heaviness and hurt piling up inside,

Eager to put an end to my kind!

The air I breathe trapping me

In my tragic past;

Making me a wanderer in a world long rejected me

From its warmly embrace

Now I am without a place

Having no one to put my fiery mind at ease

But I know someday all this would pass

And I shall be at rest and have eternal peace

In my creator’s bosom…

The playlet I wrote, birthed this. I thought about how the poor girl would have died in the forest if not her aunt had found her, and by God’s grace, made her end up in the hands of a woman, who took very good care of her from infancy to adulthood. Okay, this poem isn’t exactly like it, but the emotions I was feeling got me into writing a script which actually portrayed them… even though it wasn’t that perfect like I wanted. So I hope you guys love this piece. And also check the drama out.



A student of the popular Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A Human Anatomy stud—and a passionate writer, with the hope of one day making the world a better place.
~Authoress Ciara

Articles: 241

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