By Jessica-Ken: Tyler had a toy car that he cherished so dearly. He loved it so much that he wouldn’t let anyone have it. Not even his brother. “Tyler, let your brother play,” Mom said from the dining room. She…


By Jessica-Ken: Her cries echo aloud in the still of the night; A cry of pain; A cry that’d never cease to flow as long as her heart is wounded, and bitterness is made to linger. She is agonized, Broken…

SHORT STORY 2 – Little Little

By Jessica-Ken:   In a little cottage lived an old woman and a little boy. The little boy would always go down to the river to play, bringing home lots of fruits and making his grandmother wonder where he had…

SHORT STORY 3 – The Woman

By Jessica-Ken: A woman ran in with a sleeping child. The child was feeling unwell and almost without breath. Her mother’s cries filled the room as she pleaded for her child to be saved. “Please… please, Reverend Father, save my…


By Jessica-Ken: There was a man named Demon who lived on the Isle of Marasiwa. Legend has it that Demon was born human, but was a god and could return anytime to the clouds. He lived for a hundred years,…


By Jessica-Ken: A boy named Herald, stood on a hill, with his flock. He ran after one who he had nicknamed ‘Japhy’ and ran back to the others who were bleating on the hilltop. “Whew. That’s all of you,” Japhy…