Hope to rise again

By Shogo Olalekan Uthman: Rise up, ye who are tired. Out of the pit of despair, Use hope as a compass. You should pray for courage. Observe the horizon, Do not give up, Because hope will give you courage, Your…

The Crippling

By Adeabdul: Dancing on the edge of darkness was sweet temptation. Till a rouge footing crossed the forbidden line. Minions of insecurities donned from their abyss. With icy grips of coldness that extinguished the sun. Towering clouds unending across the…


By Marymartin Okoabu: The bike man dropped him in front of his compound and he brought out crisped #200 note and paid him. The man zoomed off making a loud noise that added to the trepidation that was gradually building…

366 DAYS

By Marymartin Okoabu: It started with a pandemic, That shook the world terribly, Many were made anaemic, And many died tragically. A lockdown was announced, That sent many scurrying indoors, But still they pronounced, More cases with lesser cures. Starved…


By Jessy: A new year has come, and there’s still no sign of me taking in—I am Barbara Olamikan, and have been without a child for fifteen years. My husband and I have been hoping so much for one—a child…