Aniekan Andikan

Aniekan Andikan



“Daddy?” She called as she slid down the bed, grabbing her bra that was lying like it was abandoned at the foot-side of the bed. “Yes dear” Daddy responded hurriedly, his breathing was not quite even yet. His left thumb…

Owner’s Day

By Aniekan Andikan: This was by far the easiest money he was going to make. Despite this, he felt so insulted that he developed a certain malicious attitude towards his agent. How could he sign him up for such a…

Twice Shy

Twice Shy by Aniekan Andikan

By Aniekan Andikan: I was chilling at the students’ park in my school and thinking about how I was going to manage the remaining 5000 Naira in my pocket till the end of the week. I was deep in thought…

She’s Trapped

She's Trapped by Aniekan Andikan

Even though she tries to mask her sadness with smiles, I see it. I see the laughter that doesn’t reach her eyes. I see the plastic smiles that only stop at the corners of her mouth. She’s not happy. She’s…

How to Buy a Soul

By Aniekan Andikan: The call was from a foreign number, which was not so unusual. The caller identified himself as the director of human resources at the Bank of America. He wondered what the foreign banker wanted from him or…