By Jessy:


        💄💅 A JESS SHORTS 💅💄

Just one of my shorts 💗💋


 Running down the stairs, came little Ellie. Eliana she was called—smart and beautiful she was known. Her parents were known to be busy, uncaring people, selfish and self-centered. They cared less about their only daughter, and had no interest in whatever she did or whichever way she went. Eliana had no other person than her nanny to care—a jolly lady she was—and the purest soul in the eyes of the little girl. Eliana loved her nanny so, and she wished she could be left with her all day long. They would have pretend tea parties, and would have supper together until her mother and father got home. Her nanny took the role of a mother and grew so fond of the little girl. 

 One day when Eliana’s parents were far from home, and only the little girl and her nanny were left alone, the latter asked, “Would you love to play a game, my sweet?” Eliana giggled. “Yes, Nanny,” she affirmed to her offer, tiny teeth glistening in the light.

 Seeing how excited Ellie was, Nanny couldn’t wait to show her pet the new game she had in mind—requesting that she closed her eyes and faced her, the innocent-looking nanny, as everyone had thought, slipped her toes under the little girl’s skirt.

 “Nanny!” Eliana gasped feeling something touch her frontal space.

 “Do you like it, baby?” 

 Eliana shook her head, feeling shy. “I don’t like it, Nanny,”

 Her nanny moaned hearing how sweet and soft her voice sounded. “I want you to promise me something, baby,” she searched in her tender eyes, moving her hallux in.

 Eliana didn’t know what thing her loving nanny wanted to say. She could only nod while her nanny went on rubbing the little button between her baby legs. Eliana promised not to tell anyone about she and Nanny’s little secret, as it was going to be… forever!



               WHO 👀 

                    YOU TRUST 🤲

                              WITH YOUR 🌼

                                            KIDS 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


A student of the popular Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A Human Anatomy stud—and a passionate writer, with the hope of one day making the world a better place.
~Authoress Ciara

Articles: 241

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