By Jessy:


  Having heard everything Chelsea said, I gave a thought about it and made for my bag, aiming to write in my diary.

  I kept a journal; my trusty friend as I called her. My journal was the only thing I could express my feelings in, and also pour out my hearts and emotions whenever I felt not at ease.

  I rummaged in my bag for it, hoping I hadn’t misplaced it, as the search didn’t go well. “Now, where did I keep it? I’m quite sure I left it in here!” I grumbled hopelessly.

  I looked around, under the bed, atop the table, and still there was no sign of it anywhere.

  I looked to where Joan was busy with her laptop, and I had no choice but to ask if she had seen it. “Jo, have you seen a yellow thingy with a flower patch on it?”

  She curved her lips and gave a negative answer, as I turned to Karen. “Have you?”

  My roommate, who entirely hates me now, gave me a “Don’t-you-dare-ask-me-anything” look and averted her gaze.

  I sighed in frustration, giving a final scan and concluded it was officially lost. Sure hope no one reads it.

  I decided to go see Philip the next day, with the help of the address he had given me. Knocking nervously on the door, I imagined the expression on his face and how he would feel when he saw me standing right outside his door.

  I made to knock a second time as the door pulled open, revealing a white-hair lad in a cute denim, with no shirt covering his upper form.

  “H-hi,” I stammered, staring at his well-built abs.

  “Um, who are you?” He chewed the gum in his mouth, continuously, and pulled his earpiece out of his ear.

  I stopped staring for a second and answered, “I’m sorry, I’m a friend of Philip. Is he home?” I pointed inside.

  “You mean MacKenny?”His face twitched. “Oh, you just missed him.”

  “Ah. Guess I’ll have to come back later then.” I said, and made to leave as he clasped my hand.

  “What’s the rush, chica? You in a hurry or something?”

  “And why do you care?” I replied with a question.

  “Oh, oh! There’s no need for that.” He let go of my hand. “The name’s Xander. What’s yours?”

  “Can you please just tell Philip that I dropped by?” I ignored his question.

  “You do know you’re beautiful, right?” He showed his shiny set of teeth.

  “Well, can I go now?” I asked in a rude tone, not thanking him.

  “Not yet,” He inched closer. “Don’t tell me you’re scared that I’m gonna do something? And besides, I don’t bite.” He went on, smirking sexily.

   “And why should I be?”

  He laughed and made a ticking sound with his mouth. “My! You’re one tough lady.”

  I felt the urge to punch him at that moment but stopped. “Look, man. I don’t have time for this. So just tell Philip that I came to see him or you can forget all about it!” I hissed and walked away.

  I didn’t bother going back to my hostel, since it was actually a Saturday and I had nothing doing. I decided to pay Chelsea a surprise visit, and it turned out she was around like I hoped.

  We talked about boys, had snacks, played games, and did all kinds of girls’ stuff.

  Getting to a quarter to three, a knock came on the door and Chelsea made to answer it.

  “Chelsea, who’s there?”

  “Trish,” Philip called, as Chelsea made way for him.

  I stood up, having no nerves to talk to him, not after all the shunning, as I made to leave. “I’ll be going now. I was leaving anyway.” I said, and he clasped my hand.

  “Trish, please talk to me. Have I done something wrong?”

  I bit my lower lip and looked at Chelsea, who gestured to me to say something. I couldn’t think of anything better to say, so I just let out the words that came to my mind. “You haven’t done anything wrong, Phil. I just want to be left alone.” I took my hand from him.

  Chelsea’s expression grew into an angry one, and she made more signals with her eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, I looked back at him and said, “There’s something I’d like to tell you.” I swallowed hard, looking at Chels. “We won’t take long,” I said slightly and we went out.

  There was a bench seated not so far off from where we were, so we made towards it, sitting on it.

   “You wanted to tell me something?” Philip asked, and I looked nervously, thinking of whether to tell him or not.

  You can’t do this, Tricia. You can’t, not with James in the picture. What would happen if he finds out about this? Philip might end up getting into trouble and you would have yourself to blame!

  “Hey. What’s going on in your mind?” His voice jerked me out of thoughts.

  “Phil, I… I’m sorry,” I started, taking his hand. “I never should have snapped at you like that. It was totally wrong of me and I know that. Can you ever forgive me?” I pouted my lips.

  “Forgive you?” He slanted his body and placed his hand on the bench head. “Trish, I can never be angry with you.” He spoke softly. “Come on, I know something must have triggered that. What was it?”

  “I… I saw a picture of you and Daphne, so I thought you two were together and…”

  “Daphne?” He stared in amazement. You know Daphne Martinez?”

  “Sort of,” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “But what would make you think her and I are a couple?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe the fluffy red sweaters you two had on made me think that.”

  “OH. You mean the picture we took last Christmas -” He chuckled and I frowned.

  “Great! Now I’m sounding funny.”

  “Oh, you so are.” He laughed again. “You shouldn’t have let that get to you. Besides, Daphne and I aren’t together anymore.”

  “So you two were together then?” I inquired like I hadn’t known.

  “Well, you know, yeah. We were, but it wasn’t that…”

  “Amorous?” I cut in.

  “Yes. That!” He smiled. “So we’re good now, or you’re still jelly?”

  “Haha! Never said I was.”

  “Oh, your countenance showed it all!” He laughed alongside. “Oh, here -” He stopped and pulled out something from behind.

  “Is that…”

  “Your diary?! Yes! You dropped it by mistake.” He said, and placed it in my hand.

  “Oh, gosh! I thought I had lost it!” I held it close to my bosom and asked, “Where did you find it?”

  “The library,” He winked. “But don’t worry, I didn’t read it.” He assured.

  “You didn’t?”I gaped at him. “Well, why didn’t you? Certainly no one will miss the chance of doing so.”


  “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you two.”  Chelsea chimed in from behind, as we both turned around. “So you guys are paddy-dallies now, hm?”

  We looked at each other and laughed. “We sure are!”


  After that day, Philip and I started hanging out more often. He and I would go to the park on Sundays, stroll the couples’ lane; as it was called – a place where coconut trees were all lined up. And sometimes, would have movie nights together, and even study (even though we weren’t a couple yet). But, all that didn’t mean my sexcapade with James didn’t continue. I made time for him, so he wouldn’t grow suspicious or anything, and even spent the night at his place whenever he wanted, just so he would be satisfied.

  There was something about us that I couldn’t understand. I wanted him, but I just couldn’t feel the love between us. It was mostly about sex – more and more of that, and I was starting to get really tired of it, even though I didn’t show it.

  The semester went by so fast, and then came another. It seemed like the previous, only things were a whole lot different. I could feel it as my friendship with Philip was getting stronger with each passing day, and mine with Chelsea wasn’t left out either. They were the friends I’ve always longed to have. But the secret I was keeping, was something I feared would wreak havoc if it ever came out. I just didn’t know how I’d handle the situation if things ever went wrong.


  I was starting to understand her and I liked this feeling. She made me feel so complete; so happy, and it seemed every day without her made things unusual.

  I thought about her strawberry blunt eyes and her gorgeous glowing smile – and the way she talked and laughed. She was just perfect. Wait. I’m doing that again, aren’t I? I sat upright and slammed my fist on my left palm. “Phil, get your head in one piece!”

  “Huh?” My roommate, Xander, gave me a strikingly odd look.

  “Nothing! Nothing!”

  “Man, you ain’t thinking about that girl, are you?” He asked, sitting up.

  “Can’t get my mind off her, dude.”I ran my fingers in my hair.

  “You’re in love, I tell you,” He joked, making funny sounds with  his chewing gum.

  “Isn’t that obvious?” I uttered with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling.

  “Pfft! You’re so dramatic.” He scoffed, throwing a pillow at me.

  “Hey! What’s that for?”

  He laughed and got up. “That’s for you to stop thinking about that girl. You stand no chance with her, I tell you!” He spoke in a discouraging tone.

  “Oh, don’t be such a party spoiler, you! I’m not asking her out yet.” I said to him, as his pupils dilated.

  “You can’t be serious!”

  “Oh, I am,” came my certain reply as he burst out laughing.

  “Dude, why do you always have to act like a saint? You love her, she loves you, voila! Sex!” He gestured with his fingers.

  “Come on, Xander. That’s way too early, don’t you think?”

  “Not in any way,” He shook his head and I gave a slight thought about it; a tap coming almost immediately.

  “Oof! I wonder who that could be!” He said with a grin and started toward the door.

  I got up, hearing Tricia’s voice on the other side, as I urged Xander to open it.

  He wasted no time doing so, as an angelic figure clad in a blue jean and a sleeveless top, came into sight.

  “Trish,”I gulped as she walked towards me.

  “Um, Ken,” Xander called to me. “I’m gonna be heading out for basketball practice. Catch you two later.” He snapped his fingers at me, and, with a wink at Trish, stepped out.

  Or maybe that’s just my imagination playing tricks on me, I shoved the thoughts off, having no positive answer to why he had done that.

  We sat down and got talking; her smile driving me crazy, almost making me lose focus.

  “So… how’s grams doing? Is she getting better?” She asked, crossing her legs as her heel stuck out from where it laid.

  I could see the lining of her thighs and its smoothness from where I sat, as she ran her neatly cut fingers on the upper side.

  I was so lost and was entirely carried away, until her voice came jolting me back to reality.

  “Philip, are you okay?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I gave a slight nod and got up. “Um, you want something? I think I’ve got tuna salad in the fridge,” I motioned to the medium-sized electronic and got up.

  “Oh, please. You don’t have to,” She said shyly.

  I insisted and she had no other choice than to accept the offer.

  I made to the fridge quickly, taking out a plate of tuna salad, with a bottle of cold soda, as I walked back to her. “Here you go,”

  “Oh, thank you. You’re really sweet,” She utterly with gratitude; the words echoing sweetly in my ears. “Well, aren’t you going to eat anything yourself?” She asked and raised the plate to my face, “You can have some, you know,”

  I smiled and urged her to eat to her fill, while I watched as she did. It was so magnificent doing so, and I could say everything about her was really exquisite – perfect, if I should say.


  Oh, gosh. He’s staring. He’s actually staring, I thought inwardly, stealing a glance at him.

  I imagined us kissing at that point, and I craved for nothing more than to have him all to myself at that very minute. Oh, this is going to be fun, I got up to my feet. “Where is the bathroom, please?” I pretended not to know.

  “Oh, it’s right there,” He motioned to the far side. “Yeah, that place.”

  I smirked and walked stylishly towards it, making sure my booty moved in the rhythm I wanted.

  I grabbed the handle, bending slightly like I wanted to touch my knees, and came up again, turning to face him.

  I could see the glow in his eyes, and I knew I was putting on quite a marvelous show as I grinned at a job well done.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I heard him say, and I threw my head sideways, running my fingers slowly on my right shoulder, as I moved them down, feeling the smoothness of my skin.

  I repeated the same on my other shoulder and I could tell from the looks of things that I was driving him crazy; the sensation birthed by my one-woman show surrounding the air.

  I made towards him again, lifting my legs up to his bed, with my finger tips caressing the upper side of my thighs as I peered directly into his eyes.

  He couldn’t keep his off of me, and I was starting to enjoy the way they danced and glistened with excitement. I wasn’t ready to give up. At least, not until I know he’s mine!







Aww, poor Philly’s gonna fall into Tricia’s trap. Guys, what do you think will happen next? Will Philip be able to stop himself from falling into temptation, or will let her take the lead instead?




A student of the popular Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A Human Anatomy stud—and a passionate writer, with the hope of one day making the world a better place.
~Authoress Ciara

Articles: 241

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