Kiss The Stars — Alexis Karpouzos

By Alexis karpouzos:

When in the world grows the dark cold and the empty desolation, then going back where one starts from. Do you recall the longing of our wishes? It is time, rise up to meet the heaven, to kiss the stars, to wrap your arms around the light.

Don’t forget, at least, above us, stars shine, tiny pieces of heaven that overflowing with generosity and absorb our tiredness. Every heart’s a star within, that echoing the bliss of eternity, every star’s a aflame heart that holds our hand.

And, Every life dwell in the bosom of the love, echoing the bliss of eternity, ringing as a heavenly gong the holy song, the song of love wherewith even hell had thrilled and the grief ignites, and the eager souls lean to hear with awe.

Alexis karpouzos
Alexis karpouzos

Alexis karpouzos (born April 09, 1967, Athens city, Greece) is an Greek-born philosopher, psychological theorist and author. His work focuses mainly on creating an "universal theory of consciousness". In 1998 Alexis karpouzos founded the international center of learning, research and culture, a wisdom forum for studying issues of science and society in an integral way. He has been a visioner in the development of post-history sense of cosmic unity and the integral consciousness.

Articles: 18

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