By JessyKen:


  Lights illuminate the stage as Itohan and her mother are seen embarking on their journey to Ukogho land. They get to a certain place as a woman in white appears from nowhere.

Woman: Do not be afraid, daughters of the gods.

Emomwoyi: (Holds her daughter’s hand) Who are you?

Woman: (Smiles) You do not need to know.

Itohan: (Moves closer) You’re that woman…

Emomwoyi: Itohan, come back.

Itohan: It’s okay, mother (Turns to the strange lady) What do you seek?

Woman: I have come for you. The time has come to free your people from the curse your father has brought upon them. Your brother lies almost without breath, and the people have no one to save them. Only you can, so you must hurry. Hurry!! (Thunders and disappears)

Itohan: (Scared) Mother, my people are in grave danger. What do I do?

Emomwoyi: Mm, my daughter. I know you have all it takes inside of you. I raised you to be strong, to be courageous and never to be shaken. I trust you can do it.

Itohan: (Nods and smiles) Thank you, Inenen.



A student of the popular Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A Human Anatomy stud—and a passionate writer, with the hope of one day making the world a better place.
~Authoress Ciara

Articles: 241

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