By Jessica-Ken:

💉A beeping noise which sounded not like music to my ear brought me back to life. I laid motionless with firm hands pressing down on me and white light illuminating my face.
The lady who I’d thought was my sister turned out the opposite. She was standing with a maniacal smile seated upon her face, the scissors in her hand, and the utility knife in the other glistening, ready to serve their purpose. I didn’t need anyone telling me it wasn’t Anita standing there. But the question is, “Who is it that seeks revenge?”🔥
I know I had to live. I needed to live! Shaking vigorously; heart racing faster than usual; bed creaking in agreement with the exerted force; hands I couldn’t see holding me tight—stuck, I was. I was going to be slain for something I knew not. Is this really my end? Has it come at last? Teardrops enveloped my cheeks.
Silence begot the once peaceful night; the night so full of life and crickets sounds.
From quiet slumber to savage den. I watched in terror, the utility knife drawing closer as its piercing sides cut through my skin and screams engulfed by laughter enveloped nighttime. I gasped for air, eyeballs rolling. The stinging pain I felt becoming one I couldn’t bear. Tortured by my flesh and blood, I drowned in my own tears. I knew I was not going to be saved—if only it wouldn’t end this way 🎴.

Two Sisters
And A Boy ♠


A student of the popular Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A Human Anatomy stud—and a passionate writer, with the hope of one day making the world a better place.
~Authoress Ciara

Articles: 241

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