GODSTARTER, Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus


it is a good thingto start with God
All the time start with Him, start
His love for us is endurance
I wake up daily to see this man
Who would always start the day with God
And I thought it was a mistake
And one day show he was wise
A car accident proved it
The car was smashed
All thought he was dead
But he was Divine saved and alive.

So I remember all who prayed
To God all the time
And the king ordered the furnace heated
The men who took them there
Didnot come back alive
So was the angel who save the Lions

The world heated several times
Is only safe for godstarter
Who start the day and ends the day
With the God of heaven.
Copyright © Okechukwu Chidoluo vitus

Articles: 30

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