Olabisi Akinwale

Olabisi Akinwale

Poetry, prose and the wonders in between.

Ìfé mi

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: ÀNÌKÉ- Day 4 Ìfé mi my love for you is a verb, like a flower singing into the sky, like a bird lip-syncing the songs of memory in a deserted town, because you heart bears the…

Of Love & Comets

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: ÀNÌKÉ- Day 3 Of Love & Comets I have tried gathering bits of me together in a baritone casting silence into music, tried finding my lost rib in the absence grief made clear, I had forgotten…

You’ll Find Me Tomorrow

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: ÀNÌKÉ- Day 2 You’ll Find Me Tomorrow as a nightingale at the other side of your bed, throwing you at songs swaying before mirrors reflecting the evening fall in your eyes, a warm haven calling me…

Ànìké mi

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: ÀNÌKÉ- Day 1 Ànìké mi I have come again with words draped in milk & music, I have come, this time, with a longing to adore the light that is you, I have come with a…

It’s the start of a new year

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: & I do not want to write how new resolutions crisscross the sky in white robes & holy linings or how the fuzz of uncertainties lurks around the journey ahead & the nosey eyes of dawn,…

Conversations About Grief And Survival

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: Conversations About Grief & Survival The night looks like the many things I lost before they died. The birds are not singing, they are silent like the deadness whispering into the ear of my window. I…


By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: Butterflies- Day 28 (Finale) Homecoming the way home is always full of the tears of memories & the road won’t give answers to the questions of sunsets, of trees, of places. & my heart is a…

In A Heartbeat

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: Butterflies- Day 27 In a heartbeat the clouds would burst into raindrops. the clink of bodies would dilute a room’s voice. & a seabird would sing to the sea & leave a homestead to itself. my…

A Moonlight Song

By Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale: Butterflies- Day 26 A Moonlight Song moonlight is a song filled with mirrors & you’re the only lyrics to embrace to survive times my reflection is a mirage. in my sojourn with the night, there is…