šŸ’˜ MCL – EPL šŸ’˜

By Jessy:

Ā  Dear Diary,

Ā  Today marks a new beginning . Mumā€™s happy with Patrick. Philip and I, though not together, were happy to be just as we wereā€”friends that were never going to be apart, especially now things were back to normal. Mum and I visited Dadā€™s grave today. Mum couldnā€™t stop crying on getting there. It was a good thing that I was there to comfort her. She asked for his forgiveness. And I know that wherever Dad is, he would be glad to know that she felt true remorse.

Ā  Oh, and we would be leaving for London very soon. Weā€™d start anew, along with Derekā€¦ and Dad. Lā€Oā€L. I could say I was having a hard time calling him that, but I had to accept the fact that he was bio Dad. I couldnā€™t wait to bond with him better, and certainly couldnā€™t wait to be done with college. My transfer paper was ready. I was going to miss Campbell for sure.

Ā  Campbellā€¦ sigh.

Ā Ā  Many would talk about their campus experience, but when it came to mine, I could say it was one hell of a rideā€¦ a bitter sweet one, if I should say. But all the same, ā€œMy campus lifeā€ brought love, friendship, and memories Iā€™d never forget.

Ā  ā€œTricia? Honey? The guests are all waiting.ā€

Ā  ā€œComing mother,ā€

Ā  ā€œI guess thatā€™s it Lil D,ā€ I closed my diary and got up to leave. I gave a final scan of my room and walked out the door, ready to hit the dance floor.

Ā  I walked carefully down the stairs, rolling my eyes around for Philip, as Derek stood at the foot of the stairs looking dashing with his stylish hair-do.

Ā  ā€œWhatā€™ you doing?ā€ I asked, smiling.

Ā  ā€œBeing your knight in shining armor!ā€ he winked.

Ā  I placed my hand on his and had me lead me to where Mum and Patrick were.

Ā  It was the last party we were going to have in Hensonā€”also, thanks to Mum for insisting that we threw it, since it was going to be our last with our friends and neighbours.

Ā  Our house was packed with people, making it hard for me to find Philip. I rolled my eyes for him one more time and concluded he was never going to come. I was on my way back to Mum, when a guy that dressed in a flashy tux came walking through the front door.

Ā  ā€œPhil!ā€ I let out a happy yell and rushed towards him and his grams.

Ā  I greeted grandma Hennia, and we began making towards where Mum and Patrick were.

Ā  ā€œGrandma Hennia,ā€ Mum greeted with a hug, and Philip and Derek exchanged manly pleasantries.

Ā  Father also greeted her, and just as grandma Hennia made to hug Derek, she stopped and looked briefly into his eyes, moving them to Philip, and then back. ā€œLionel?ā€

Ā  We stared in shock, myself remembering where I had heard the name before.

Ā  ā€œLionel!ā€ she called again, cupping Derekā€™s cheeks.

Ā  ā€œI-Iā€™m sorry, maā€™am, but Iā€™m Derek. Derek Nielsen,ā€ Derek corrected.

Ā  ā€œNo. No, youā€™re Lionel,ā€ she said in all seriousness, and continued. ā€œI know my grandson very well. I can feel it in my heart.ā€ she brought her hand on his arms and rubbed it warmly. ā€œLionel. My grandson!ā€ she hugged him with joy. ā€œYouā€™re alive! Youā€™re aliveā€”ā€ she kept muttering.

Ā  We all stood confused, watching the drama go on. How can this be?

Ā  I remembered how mad Derek had gotten when dad told him he wasnā€™t really his son. They had found him on the front porch, Dad narrated then. They had taken him in as their own son. Derek was heartbroken on hearing him tell him the truthā€”only no one knew whose baby he was.

Ā  ā€œGrams. Grams, youā€™re not saying that Derek is my brother. Are you?ā€

Ā  Grandma Hennia released Derek on hearing Philip ask. ā€œHeā€™s your brother, Philip. The mark!ā€ she exclaimed suddenly, making to unbutton his shirt.

Ā  The markā€”


Ā  ā€œWhat is this? Why do you have this on your chest?ā€

Ā  ā€œI was born with itā€”ā€ I could recall his exact words.


Ā  Could Derek really be her grandson? Has his family been here all along?

Ā  ā€œPhilip, it really is Lionel. Look!ā€

Ā  I was lost in thought to notice Derek had slightly opened his shirt.

Ā  Grandma Hennia ran her palm on it, and Philipā€™s eyes grew wider in shock, along with ours.

Ā  ā€œDerek is a MacKenny?ā€ my mum finally spoke. ā€œHeā€™s family has been here all along?ā€ our thought collided with each other.

Ā  Derek is really a MacKenny, I thought inwardly. Iā€™ve loved the same blood without knowing! What a small world we live in!

Ā  I couldnā€™t help but marvel at everything that was going on. Derek was finally reunited with his family, and I couldnā€™t be much happier knowing that.

Ā  But wait! How did he end up on the Nielsenā€™s porch?

One thing weā€™ll never know.


Ā  ā€œSoā€¦ youā€™re finally happy,ā€

Ā  Derekā€™s head came up at Triciaā€™s voice.

Ā  ā€œI am,ā€ he smiled. ā€œWhat about you?ā€ he admired her as he asked.

Ā  ā€œMe?ā€

Ā  He beckoned to her to sit by his side. ā€œYou know, when Dad told me I wasnā€™t really his son, I felt I had no purpose in lifeā€¦ā€

Ā  ā€œAnd why did you feel that way?ā€ her question came.

Ā  And he replied, ā€œMaybe itā€™s because I thought Dad finally got the perfect family heā€™s always wantedā€¦ā€

Ā  ā€œPerfect?ā€ she raised her brows. ā€œYou think weā€™re perfect?ā€

Ā Ā  He nodded, then changed the topic. ā€œNowā€™s my turn to ask.ā€ his gaze lingered on her.

Ā  ā€œWell, what do you wanna ask?ā€

Ā  He clasped her hand and looked into her eyes. ā€œWould you let me be wherever you are?ā€

Ā  Tricia knew where this was headed. She couldnā€™t say a word but kept mute, for fear she would end up ruining the moment.

Ā  ā€œD-Derek, I donā€™t know what to say. Londonā€™s not just here, and Iā€™m sure you wouldnā€™t wanna be far away from your people.ā€

Ā  ā€œWhen Iā€™m with you,ā€ he began. ā€œI feel a lot betterā€¦ā€

Ā  ā€œDerekā€”ā€ she sighed and stood up, knowing what he had in mind. He wanted her to stay, but this she wanted. Her mind was already made up, and not even her feelings would stop her from going to London.

Ā  He caught her handā€¦

Ā  He drew her backā€¦

Ā  And into his arms she came falling.

Ā  ā€œMarry me!ā€

Ā  Her jaws dropped open. She thought it was all a dreamā€”only that this was happening.

Ā  He made to stand and she got up from him.

Ā  ā€œY-you canā€™t be serious, can you?ā€ she wanted to be sure.

Ā  Her eyes widened when he took out a little box from his breast pocket and got on one knee. Has he always wanted to do this? she gaped at him, as he searched in her eyes.

Ā Ā  Smiling up at her, their eyes met.

Ā  ā€œD-Derekā€”ā€ she couldnā€™t speak. She was having a hard time believing that this was real. How did he get the ring? she wondered, though it wasnā€™t hers to do. She was blushing all this whileā€”was this really happening? She hoped sheā€™d never wake up if ever it was a dream.

Ā  ā€œMarry me, Tricia Nielsenā€¦. make me the happiest man on earth,ā€ he said as tears dropped from her eyes.

Ā  ā€œOh, Derek. Oh God!ā€ this was really happeningā€”he was proposing to her. She smiled at the thought of him being hers forever. They were going to start a family together, she looked in awe, screaming ā€œYesā€, as the diamond ring came on her middle fingerā€”with their lips getting locked as he stood to kiss her.

Ā Ā  ā€œI love you!ā€

Ā  One could tell how happy she was by her voice. Derek was going to be hers. They were going to live happily ever afterā€”this happiness she had never known in years. Who could have known that this day would come?

Ā  A jolting ring made them stop.

Ā  ā€œThis has better be good,ā€ she groaned and made to answer, a throaty voice so hard to forget, glueing her to the spot.

~ ā˜† ~




Ā  Ā 




A student of the popular Nnamdi Azikiwe university. A Human Anatomy studā€”and a passionate writer, with the hope of one day making the world a better place.
~Authoress Ciara

Articles: 241

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