Muddled thoughts, stirring demons are my companions,
Fiery bloodlust and soul-thirst arouse me,
Stealthily, I invade innocent minds,
Knocking on hopeless hearts with my two-faced knuckles,
Terminating raw passions and destinies.
Broken hearts by loved ones, saddened souls by failure,
Furrowed brows by depression, I consider my preys.
Into innocent minds I infuse toxic venom,
Sucking out life till they dangle on my cord,
Or drenched in the pool of my friend, Sniper.

Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu (eMoji)

Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu
Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu

Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu is a prolific writer and an earnest teacher. She loves poetry and her work has been featured in several anthologies and online platforms like Giant pen and... She has a penchant for music and this has been a drive to delve into the rudiments of music over the years. She has ministered along with different choirs and has also graced the stage with solo performances in classical and contemporary gospel music. She is a lover of God and beliefs "Passion is a cause for result."

Articles: 9

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