My love, my god.

My god, my Love.

Like a nut is useless without a fitting bolt, so am I without you.
We fit together in every way possible.
You are the bolt I need to be screwed on lest I rust.
The oils for friction lurk in our cores to produce mutual reactions.

The sound of your voice is great music to my ears.
Blending in perfect Melody, synchronizing with mine.
That deep rich baritone​ that will put the rumblings of a volcano to shame,
Melts my insides, making me jelly.

Our love is a story that surpasses Romeo and Juliet’s.
We haven’t a tragic story.
Even Shakespeare can’t lay claims to being the scriptwriter.
Cause he’s been long dead.

Let the earth bow when it sights my beloved.
Let mountains tremble when he touches them.
Let oceans rumble in fear as he passes.
His essence and aura rub off on all, his symbol of royalty.

Beloved, let’s go on this magical ride as we explore the heavens together.
Climbing Olympus, even the gods are beneath us.
Royalty for you is a birthright no mortal can deny you.
And with our love comes immortality.

Let me worship you the way you should be worshipped.
Cause, loving you is god.
God is love.
Love is you.
You are god.
My god.
My love.


Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu
Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu

Mojisola Josephine Kuwadinu is a prolific writer and an earnest teacher. She loves poetry and her work has been featured in several anthologies and online platforms like Giant pen and... She has a penchant for music and this has been a drive to delve into the rudiments of music over the years. She has ministered along with different choirs and has also graced the stage with solo performances in classical and contemporary gospel music. She is a lover of God and beliefs "Passion is a cause for result."

Articles: 9

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