
The Awodares have been good couple, though they’ve been married some years back and are yet to produce a progeny of their own. Mr. and Mrs. Awodare reside in Aiyeoti village and are loved and cherished by everyone as a result of their good gestures and diligence.
Over the years, the couple had visited a lot of herbalists as a result of their predicament, but each visit always turned into futility. Presently, there are no hospital or school in Aiyeoti village. The young ones either learn trades or stay at home to help their parents in the domestic chores, especially the female gender. The old men go to the farm, though some of them are the bosses of the young apprentices they train in certain trades. The old women stay at home to keep the home and nurture their children. The ailed and injured are taken to the herbalists, or better still, perform self medications in the cases of minor sicknesses and injuries. The pregnant women are taken to the mid-wives during labor and delivery.
One night, Mr. Awodare had a dream. In the dream, he was in the market buying some items. After making a great purchase, he decided to trek back home. As he was about to exit the market completely, he saw a bird vendor.
“Wow! This bird is beautiful!” Mr. Awodare said pointing to a canary.
“Which of the birds, sir?” the bird vendor asked.

“This canary!” Mr. Awodare said with gestures.
“Oh! This bird?” the bird vendor interrogated.
“Yeah!” Mr. Awodare exclaimed.
“Eeem, I am sorry. A man had already paid for the bird,” the bird vendor said.
“Oh! No! This bird’s color is so enticing and I won’t hesitate to buy it,” Mr. Awodare said grimly.
“But there are other breeds of birds that you can put in for. We have parrots…” the bird vendor said.
“No! I love canaries. I love their melodious voices and their entire physiology,” Mr. Awodare said.
“Eeyah. You can come for a canary by next week’s time. By then we would have gotten a lot of canaries.,” the bird vendor said.

“No…! I can’t wait till then. Okay, how much is the bird to be frank?” Mr. Awodare asked.
“It’s just 50 naira!” the bird vendor said.
“Okay, let me give you 100 naira,” Mr. Awodare said.
“What shall I tell my other client when he comes for his already-purchased bird?” the bird vendor.
“Just tell him you are very sorry that the bird has been sold out to another person. Furthermore, tell him to come for another canary, since you said hitherto that many canaries would be available in the succeeding week,” Mr. Awodare said.
“Oh! You are right! That is very thoughtful of you. You can bring your money now,” the bird vendor said.

Mr. Awodare removed a hundred naira bank note and handed it over to the bird vendor.
“Thank you very much, sir,” Mr. Awodare said.
“You are welcome, sir,” the bird vendor said.
“Okay, sir…,” Mr. Awodare said and took two steps backwards.
“Wait, sir. Make sure you get a cage for the canary. Also, ensure the cage is always padlocked. These are my two pieces of advice for you,” the bird vendor said.
“Alright, sir. I will do just all you’ve said, Mr. Awodare said.
“Goodbye, sir,” the bird vendor said with a bade.
“Same, sir!” Mr. Awodare said.
Mr. Awodare held the canary exuberantly and left the scene.

“Oh! It’s a dream!” Mr. Awodare screamed.
“What is that my husband?” Mrs. Awodare asked.
“See…, I had a strange dream. In this dream, I was in the market buying items. After purchasing some items, I decided to go home…” Mr. Awodare said.

“What happened thereafter?” Mrs. Awodare cut in.
“Let me land first. Don’t be too forward! As I was leaving the market for home, I saw a vendor who sells different breeds of beautiful birds. Among the birds was a canary, I got captivated by the bird’s beauty and melodious voice. I told the vendor that I wanted to buy the canary bird, but he said another person had already paid for the bird. After much persuasions, he finally subscribed to my plea; he sold the canary to me at the expense of who already paid for it,” Mr. Awodare narrated.
“What type of dream is this? My husband, I suggest we inform baba Fadegeshin, the great herbalist, about this dream. I can trust his potencies,” Mrs. Awodare said perplexed.
“Ooto lo so iyawo mi ( You are right my dear wife),” Mr. Awodare said.
“When shall we go on the visit? I suggest we go tomorrow,” Mrs. Awodare said.
“I accede to that, dear,” Mr. Awodare said.
“Ooda, sir (It’s good, sir), Mrs. Awodare said.
“That reminds me, my husband; mummy Adunke told me to come and collect the items I asked her to buy for me in the course of her journey to Araiye village, the next village to ours, in the morning,” Mrs. Awodare said.
“Hope you won’t go too early? I told you hitherto that I would be going to the farm very early in the morning, so that I can make many ridges before the rainy season finally comes. Moreover, I can’t afford to have a low output,” Mr. Awodare said.
“Oko mi, mi o gbagbe oo (My husband, it has not escaped my memory). You and food always. I will prepare your food before day break, so that you can at least eat something before you go to the farm,” Mrs. Awodare said.
“As if she doesn’t like food. There is always food for a working man. Let’s sleep; I am feeling drowsy,” Mr. Awodare said.
“Let’s hope for a better day ahead,” Mrs. Awodare said.
Mr. And Mrs. Awodare closed their eyes and slept off afterwards.


I am a lover of stories and this turned me into an author of stories

Articles: 2

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