dusk of red roses, star lights & pink fluorescents

dusk of red roses, star lights & pink fluorescents

you blaze this longing to bury my chaos in your chest,
this longing to run to the sea in your voice
& listen to water tell tall tales of love to pebbles,

& when I talk about the lushness
of heaven sewn to your body,
I am saying I do not want a love that
requires a shadow of myself to be loved

because love is art
& art do not play by rules to be beautiful.

because love is God
& on days you see the clouds bursting out
& thrusting the earth with rains,
it is God reviving a dying dream
with fertility, with hope, with love.

I have learnt that a kiss is a flexible means
to hang on the tiny rope of time in a lover’s memory,
learnt to melt in the warmth of an embrace
to remind this body there is home at the end of every war.
they say love starts from the heart before
spreading her tentacles across the body like air;
& I do not want to hold back this beautiful bliss,
& I do not want to be full of jammed doors,
& I do not want to be a dead picture on the cervix of your wall,
& I do not want to be a house full of wall geckos and cobwebs.

believe me, there is always Christ on my tongue
when I say the word love & it tilt our bodies
into a song in a room that clinks the skin of lovers to fireworks.

the world say it is romance,
I say there is salvation within your breast,
you say it beats you down to an empty vessel.

do you not see how much of God I become whenever I blossom in your bosom?

do you not see how free we wake to dawn after dusk of red roses, star lights & pink fluorescents?

© Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale
Undiluted Poet

Olabisi Akinwale
Olabisi Akinwale

Poetry, prose and the wonders in between.

Articles: 57

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