My City

I was brought into the world in a city of blended feelings. You love here, you scorn here, you cry here, you get your heart broken here at the same time.

I was brought into the world in a city where the Christians and the Muslims eat in one plate and afterward scrutinize themselves in somewhere else.

In my city, companions become family and family can become individuals you’re shockingly identified with by blood yet in my city, family can be everything.

In my city voices of ladies selling akara and bread hauls you up, in my city the downpour beats you and the sun consumes you however yet our kids have figured out how to discover satisfaction under tension.

My city can turn a man wild or humble contingent upon which side he decides to give his heart as well.

Here you’ll discover ladies at their best, delightful with an amazing IQ however be cautious they may PSYCHE YOU .

Here you’ll discover father going the additional length and giving their absolute best to see a grin on his kids’ face .

Here, our uncommonly made Ogogoro is for the most part liked to Johnny walker or whatever brand of bourbon individuals from the abroad have to bring to the table.

In however much my city appears to seem like paradise, my city is hellfire. my city denies you of anything or everything. Love, life, bliss simply notice them.

Like hunters my city chases and holds you bound, my city is alright for a few and a bad dream to a few.

My city resembles a harmful relationship, anxious to leave yet so energetically to return.

I was brought into the world in a city of blended feelings. You love here, you scorn here, you cry here, you get your heart broken here all the while.

Joseph Ernest
Joseph Ernest
Articles: 1

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