South Africa, you are beautiful (anti -xenophobia poem)

South Africa the origin and destiny of mankind
you are so beautiful without blood on your hands
you are so beautiful without the blood on your hands
you are so beautiful without any blood on your hands

today, we are veterans
for bashing in the heads of the children of foreigners
tomorrow, we can hide the shame
call the people across the Limpopo our own brothers and sisters
but their blood can never be washed clean from our hands
our children will find it difficult to swallow the bitter truth
that we killed our own neighbours
in their hour of need!

four million years ago, on African soil
a beast woke up from a beautiful sleep
and turned into a man
four million years down the line
should man turn into beast again!
I thought Africa had moved on
from Australopithecus to zinjanthropus to Mandelanthropus

Father, what happened to ‘dialogue across the nations’
Brother ,what happened to the African Renaissance
Mother,what happened to civilisation
Sister ,what happened to the concept of globalisation
My people, what happened to the spirit of African solidarity
now that we have turned into mean man-eating alien-devouring monsters?
Mzansi, after killing all the scapegoats
who shall be there for us to blame
if the crumbs of bread refuse to grow bigger?

South Africa the origin and destiny of mankind
you are so beautiful without blood on your hands
you are so beautiful without the blood on your hands
you are so beautiful without their blood on your hands

my people, I do not understand your anger
my people, I have no cure for your anger
but is genocide a solution for your anger!
these are only fugitives from their home lands
in killing them, and raping their women
we risk turning them into heroes, and ourselves into irreconcilable villains
by this act alone we shall carry the blemish of all the ages
the Kwirikwiri cancer is a case that calls for careful consideration
that which divides us
may as well bring us together

South Africa the origin and destiny of mankind
you are so beautiful without blood on your hands
you are so beautiful without the blood on your hands
you are so beautiful without their blood on your hands

beyond the horizon,
why should I see rainclouds gather into tempests of teardrops and bloodshed
the rainbow is a song on the horizon
it is only you and I that can make it true!
South Africa, it is better to blow
the vuvuzela of tolerance, perseverence and progressive relations
than to chant xenophobia songs!

Africa Borwa, Mzansi Africa
umhle kakhulu ngapandle kwegazi labemi bamanye amazwe ezandleni zakho!
South Africa, the beacon of Africa
you are so beautiful
without the blood of foreigners on your hands!


Born and bred in Zimbabwe. Currently living and working in South Africa. A primary school teacher by profession but a Performance Poet by design. My father was a wood-carver, so I fancy myself a word-carver. To me poetry is life, therefore the purpose of art is to comment on the human condition.

Articles: 15

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