She came in a patch canoe
Cooking a mouth worthering dish.
Trowing a warm golden light
I wear my deligence like a crown
My pen refuses to write
Because i found no word to write about
I sat here but i am not here
My soul sojourn like a traveller with no distinct destination.

Oluwadaminiolaminikan, you black shines dudu osun.
You like a rose plung early in the morning
Ewa re a ma dami lorun
Afi bi ti okin ninu igbo
Oniwa tutu bi Adaba
You’re the one for which this poem was written, olayimika.

Give me the go ahead to go half naked
In search of a love have once lost.
You brought back good memories of care, admiration and unending dialogue of love.


A young and passion driven African writer, Poet, Historian and Author who belives in the beauty of pen.

Articles: 7

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